Dereck Dowler

Aspiring Data Scientist


About Me

I am currently a high school Mathematics and Physical Education teacher.  As much as this has been a fulfilling and amazing career, I am ready for a new challenge.  I have always loved Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics.  Data Analytics and Data Science are a perfect match for me.  I look forward to using my skills and education to help business make informed, data driven decisions.

I have knowledge using Python, Excel, and SQL to clean, analyze, and model data.  I use these skills to find the story hidden in your data and present it in clear and meaningful ways.  I’d be excited to talk with you to see how my knowledge and personality can fit in with your team.

When I am not immersing myself in teaching, mathematics, and data science I like to partake in a variety of activities.  At the top of the list is enjoying the great outdoors through hiking and camping with my family.  I also spend my time coaching youth sports such as wrestling and football.  I also volunteer my time with the Boy Scouts of America.

My Portfolio

Here is a showcase of my current and past projects

Image courtesy of and MacDuffie School

Community and School Performance

This is my current project.  Here I am looking to find relationships between Massachusetts public schools performance and their communities.  I am using performance data created by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education(DESE) and community data such as geographical location, median income, median home value, number of colleges and universities in the community, and various local spending.

Skills Used:

SQL, Web scrapping, Python, Pandas, MatplotLib, Sci-Kit Learn, Folium

Image courtesy of and Space X

Space X Falcon 9 Landings

This project was my capstone for the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate.  In this project I found details of a Falcon 9 launch which would allow me to predict whether the rocket booster would have a successful landing.  This project used data from SpaceX REST API and wikipedia.

Skills Used:

SQL, Web scrapping, Python, Pandas, MatplotLib, Sci-Kit Learn, Folium, Plotly, Dash